Twenty-four hours and I'm out of this sodden burg - for a few weeks, at least. I am really looking forward to sun, golf, and seeing the gals and my pals.
Labor Day weekend was quite labor intensive. I helped Dougie construct a backyard fence on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning and then we legged-it out to Dave Gray's to help put a roof on Dave's new car port and shop. I actually enjoyed the work - and it didn't rain!
In politics, Americans continue to puzzle over the nomination of Governor Palin as John McCain's Veep running mate. "Troopergate" and Bristol Palin's pregnancy are in the headlines this morning. Both of these are trivial matters in my opinion. To my mind, the real issue remains McCain's poor judgement as demonstrated by Palin's near complete lack of qualifications to serve as President.
Also, it is becoming apparent that the McCain team's vetting of Governor Palin was perfunctory, at best. And the reason the vetting was incomplete is that McCain wanted either Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge as his running mate - but both were vetoed by the right-wing of the party which threatened a floor fight at the convention.
In other words, the Straight Talking Express was hijacked by the mullahs and other whack-jobs in the name of the unborn and other assorted causes to which McCain's allegiance has always been suspect in the eyes of the self-righteous.
So much for putting America first...
Take a deep breath Elmer. OK, now where were we?
Ah yes, vacation. Here's the itinerary, in brief.
September 3rd: Fly to PDX and drive to Walla Walla.
September 4th: Drive to McCall, Idaho. Hope to have time for a round of golf.
September 5th: Golf in the morning. Drive to Boise in the afternoon.
September 6th - 7th: Whoop-it-up with Pat Williams and family in Boise.
September 8th: Drive to Corvallis via Bend. This is a 9 1/2 hour drive and I may spend the night in Bend if I get tired.
September 9th: Golf and checking-in with my realtor in Corvallis.
September 10th: Golf in the morning, drive to Portland in the afternoon. Hotel Vintage Plaza on Broadway. Dinner with the gals?
September 11th: Pick-up Dougie and Alison. Dinner with Arthur and Sher.
September 12th: Golf. Dinner with the gals?
September 13th: Shopping with the gals, maybe golf, dinner with Jane, Terry, Jim & Co.
September 14th: Drive to Redmond. Maybe golf. Check-in for tournament.
September 15th - 18th: Fall Golf Tournament
September 19th-20th: Recover from tournament - play more golf.
September 21st: Drive to PDX and fly to Seattle. Hotel Harrigan.
September 22nd-24th: Hotel Harrigan. Medical procedure on the 23rd.
September 25th: Fly to Juneau. Start count-down to next escape.
Well, gotta get moving. Do laundry, chop kindling for the elders, workout, dental appointment, pick-up prescriptions, pack, go to elder's for dinner, etc. etc.
I leave you with a couple of birdie pics from the wetlands last week:

I THINK these guys are Short-Billed Dowitchers. There were a bunch of them.

A Lesser Yellowlegs plays through...