Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tucson and Jasper Pack Their Bags

Well, adios to my pals Tucson and Jasper. Joan returned on Saturday and I packed the boys and their belongings up and hauled 'em back to town. I enjoyed their company immensely and I think they enjoyed their stay - kinda like a doggy summer camp. The experience has taught me several things: 1) I really want a dog; and 2) My apartment is too small for me and a dog.

I am a dog person.

In other doggy news, an amusing story in the Corvallis Gazette Times this morning about a little pooch, Alfie, rescued from a horrible home. Alfie's new lifestyle includes spending time at a doggy day spa and he has now won a Portland doggy talent contest.

"The added attention, fame and acclaim aren’t likely to go to the little dog’s head; he’s used to admirers," Harding said. His charm is on display at his own website:

In other news, Alison, the boys, and I had a great walk on West Glacier Trail on Friday afternoon. On our way back to the car we walked out on a little wooded peninsula that juts out into Mendenhall Lake where we saw numerous Spotted Sandpipers and watched several Arctic Turns do their hovering and diving routine. It was quite fun.

Arctic Turn hovers in mid-air searching for a meal

Spotted Sandpiper

Well, time to head into town for a work-out. Big doings tonight at the folks - Emilie's 82nd birthday bash.

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