It's hard to believe it's already the 8th of December. On the one hand, it's been a LONG month since my mom had her knee replacement on October 30th. On the other hand, time just flies...
I've got my tree trimmed. And day before yesterday the landlord strung lights on my deck and the eaves of the house. Quite festive. I still need to finish my cards and haven't done any shopping to speak of yet; but I reckon I've got time.
The elders are doing OK. Mom's frustrated with the pace of her recovery; but she's beginning to putter around the house a bit and cooking her own breakfast. She is eager to reclaim her kitchen. I'm still spending lots of time at the folks helping out. It's not difficult work - but pretty much chews-up the whole day. Yesterday afternoon I made a BIG pot of stew which I will distribute to various locations today. Damn tasty if I do say so myself.
Dougie and Alison will be home tomorrow after a couple of weeks of fun and sun in Cabo San Lucas. Their transition to winter should be behind them by the time they get home...I see the weather in Seattle has been clear and cold too - just as cold as Juneau, in fact. Although the weather could be a lot worse than it is...can't really complain for December.
I spoke to both Leah and Amanda in the last few days and they're enjoying each others company in Portland over the holidays. Amanda has a month long break from camp and Leah is only getting a day or two of work each week. Leah is going to start back at the Washington County Health Department right after the first of the year - another 3 month temp job; but at least it will be 40 hours a week. The job market is still pretty grim in PDX.
From the archives and the Ghosts of Christmas Past department. A Lindstrom family Christmas card from around 1960. I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle...

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