A little catch-up this morning - a number of blogworthy items that I have neglected to note. But first, courtesy of my buddy, Kurt West, a few pics from the series he obtained via email of the classic Sea lion vs. Octopus battle waged just off the boat ramp out North Douglas last week. The sea lion won.

In other news, I have spoken with both Leah and Amanda in the past week. Amanda enjoyed her holiday vacation - mostly in Portland. Played catch-up with all her PDX pals. She's now back in Southern California working as a camp counselor east of Los Angeles. I haven't seen Manda in over a year...feelin' a need to track her down. Amanda is tentatively planning a trip to Juneau in May...between her stint at her current job and returning to the Paul Newman Hole-in-the-Wall camp next summer.
Meanwhile Leah continues the job search in Portland. It is TOUGH. She's back at Washington County working in their immunization program; but it's not a permanent position. It's been a stressful time for her. She really enjoyed Amanda's company over the holidays. This recession has been brutal for twenty-somethings and Portland more brutal than many other places. I feel a serious need to take Leah shopping and dining...
If I can get away this spring, my vacation thoughts are tending to a west coast adventure. Perhaps a drive down the coast from Portland to Southern California... Highway 101, the Redwoods, wine country, San Francisco, Monterey, Santa Barbara, the Sierra's... Sounds better by the moment.
Finally, I must sadly note the passing of a dear four-legged friend, Joan Kasson's basset hound, Tucson. I have known a number of bassets over the years and Tucson was a stellar representative of the breed. The picture of amiability. Perhaps not the brightest star in the firmament (his companion, Jasper, was a notoriously bad influence on the lad) - but a more peaceable and congenial hound I have never known. R.I.P. Tucson.
Well, time to head out for the morning chores...
If you happen to pass through the San Jaquin Valley, be sure to let me know. Bakersfield is actually the meca of vacation spots! Summer affords fresh fruits and veggies since it is an agricultural valley.
P.S. Love your blogs!
I had no idea you were paying attention, Susan. A jog to Bakersfield is now officially penciled in...probably on the return leg. I LOVE to stop-in and visit folks...
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