I was just listening to public radio...an Irish gentleman discussing the current state of affairs in the auld sod - much like the state of affairs in the U.S. of A. - only more so. The Irish economic collapse makes ours look pretty tame. Seventeen percent of the housing stock is currently vacant...their housing bubble was one for the record books.
The gentleman chuckled about a number of Irish-American traditions - most of which are unheard of in Ireland. And top of the list was the expression "the luck of the Irish" which flies in the face of much of Irish history...to the extent luck was involved...it was mostly bad.
Similarly, on the Food Channel the other evening I learned that corned beef and cabbage has never been a popular dish in Ireland - the Irish could not afford beef until recently. This particular Irish-American custom can be laid at the doorstep of our Hebrew friends who were often the next door neighbors of Irish immigrants in the tenements of New York, Boston, and other cities in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
But lest you think me churlish and a spoil sport, I want to assure all hands that I, too, am sporting the green today and looking forward to corned beef and cabbage this evening. And I certainly have nothing against green beer...

In other news, it was a beautiful spring-like day in Juneau yesterday although I did not really take advantage of it. Humped away at the club for about three hours when I should have been walking outdoors. Still, the sunshine is a wonderful tonic even when enjoyed from indoors.
Last night I went to the folks' for supper. My sister Linda cooked Chinese food - oyster beef, sweet and sour pork, and fried rice. It was quite delicious - I told her it was the best meal I've ever had from her kitchen.
Although it was Mom's kitchen, of course... Linda was pleased that Mom restrained herself during most of the day...actually let Linda cook without interference. By the time supper was over, however, mom could not help but make a nuisance of herself while I tried to clean-up the dishes and kitchen.
And I know she's already plotting and scheming about how to get started cleaning-up the yard...
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