Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wracked by Indecision

A busy week.  Adam returned home to PDX on Tuesday.  I think he enjoyed the week.  I certainly enjoyed the company although it reminded me, once again, how unsuitable my small apartment is for playing host.  I REALLY need another bedroom.

I have actually been toying with the idea of looking for a place to buy.  But I am so torn by the concept that I have not been able to take even the first step - like getting pre-qualified for a loan at a bank.  Part of me rejects the whole notion of buying in Juneau - I REALLY thought I would have ditched this burg by now - while the more pragmatic part of me says it's time to face reality.  I'm going to be here for the foreseeable future.

At a minimum I need a two bedroom place with a separate office or study.  Could be a condo or a zero lot line.  On the other hand, I would like a yard.  And I need the same amount of sunlight that I have here at my apartment - a good southern exposure is critical to sanity.  This rules out a whole lot of real estate since it basically precludes Douglas Island and almost all of the valley. Mountainside Estates and Auke Bay come to mind.

We'll see...

In other news, auntie fell day before yesterday and thus yesterday was devoted to getting her to the doc and doing some cleaning at her place.  She is bruised but not broken.  She fell outside while hosing-off her front steps. I had just finished mowing the lawn and she had asked me to leave the hose outside so she could water the flowers.  Apparently she was on the ground for over twenty minutes before the neighbors came home and heard her pleas for help.  Her "help I've fallen and can't get up" button was in her bedroom where it had been parked several weeks earlier.  Not a good situation...

She was somewhat chastised yesterday and said I could start coming-up to keep the house in order a couple of times a week.  But we'll see.  She has a habit of waiving help off on any given day.

Well, just finished a little yard work at one of mom's neighbors and it's almost time to head downtown.  I have an appointment with my car insurance windshield got cracked a few weeks ago and I need to have it replaced.  Then up to auntie's for a little more housekeeping.

I leave you with a pic from North Douglas of a few evenings ago.  Beautiful!

Fishing from the beach out North Douglas


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