Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Rain and Wind in the Forecast

Not a big storm but enough wetness and wind to cause concern.  I spent several hours staking stuff in the garden.  Have a beautiful big peony about ready to bloom.  And all the delphinium I started from seed last year is almost ready to rock 'n roll.  Would hate to have them taken out...

The gear buckets are filling in nicely.

Happy and spreading!

The lewisia is my favorite rock garden discovery.  Loves that sandy soil!

Tied my delphiniums down every way I could think of....

Snapdragons pick-up the slack.

Hope they survive a little wet and wind...

Candelabra primrose...they like my most boggy bed.


Unknown said...

The Lewisia wants NO moisture in the winter. I tried them in Juneau to no avail. Grow one here, but in a pot and put the pot out of the moisture starting late summer till spring. No water at all.

Elmer Lindstrom said...

My rock garden is nothing more than the developer's sandy fill with rocks on top. The drainage is wet feet in winter! Unlike much of the rest of my garden... Sigh...