Ed was responsible for the near demise of the Division of Legislative Finance when I worked there in the early 1980's. Jay Hogan, the division director, had the poor taste to accuse him of corruption when Ed, Co-Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, slipped an item into the state budget to require the State to purchase a used pipeline camp that he happened to own at the time. Senator Dankworth was indicted but got off on a technicality. The Senate promptly eliminated the Division of Legislative Finance from their version of the budget. Jay left the legislative payroll to work for Governor Sheffield.
Notwithstanding the personal inconvenience that Senator Dankworth caused me in my professional development, I have, over the years, mellowed in my regard for him. He was, of course, corrupt to the bone; but he was also intelligent in a crafty sort of way and quite the charmer. I was apparently untainted in his mind by my association with Mr. Hogan and he always treated me cordially while he remained in the Senate. And afterward, when we both took-up lobbying - Ed in the private sector and yours truly for the Department of Health and Social Services - we would always exchange pleasantries and engage in chit-chat as we went about our business in the hallowed halls of the Capitol.
Indeed Ed really hit his stride as a lobbyist. He was the Kingmaker of several Senate organizations and made a boatload of dough. He was a friend and associate of Bill Allen of VECO infamy; although the two ultimately had a falling-out when they chose opposite sides in the telecom wars.
The Anchorage Daily News story on Ed's checkered career as well as some additional pics are available at: http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story/617473.html

Lobbyists Big Ed, Ashley Reed, and Dana Pruhs. Ashley still works the halls...it always amazed me that ANYONE would pay him ANYTHING to lobby. He was always, in my opinion, as worthless as tits on a boar (a favourite expression of good ol' Rep. Ernie Haugen). Pruhs lobbied for the North Slope Borough when I worked for Al. I think he was convicted of something...but my recollection of the details is dim.
In other news, I note in the Seattle Times that today is "call in gay" day. The idea apparently is for all gay folks to take the day off and volunteer at a human rights organization. Part of the California Prop 8 backlash (to be followed by a counter-backlash no doubt). Comment from a reader: "If you're bi, does that mean you take half the day off?"
Well, time to go chop some wood...
Well, time to go chop some wood...
Hi Ron - You certainly hit the nail on the head with respect to "Big Ed." It's just the tip of the iceberg. Very few people knew the "real" Ed Dankworth. If all the truth were known, they'd be hanging him at half mast, rather than the flags.
Happy Holidays,
Joe LaRocca
North East (Erie County), PA
(Note: The e-mail address shown below is incorrect).
Elmer Sorry for the misnomer. I also knew a Ron Lindstrom who worked forthe legislature back n the days. Any relations?
Dana Pruhs has never been convicted of anything and is a respected business man in the community of Alaska. Know your facts before slandering reputations please.
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