Merry Christmas from Amanda and Mathew
The picture above was included in a box of candy and cookies from my daughters in Portland. "Rudolph" has a distinct Palin-esque air about him. Indeed, there are other "Alaskana" aspects to this picture - Mathew has adopted at least half of the Southeast Alaska traditional costume (although come to think of it I guess Pendleton shirts are, technically, Oregonian). The question that must be asked: Mathew, are you wearing XtraTuffs?
The weather has cleared again in Juneau after receiving about 4 inches of snow yesterday. It was pretty treacherous late in the afternoon as the snow fell; but the snow stopped early in the evening. It's a winter wonderland this morning.
I'll mosey on over to the folks to do the morning chores in a few minutes and then to town for a quick workout. I've got some cooking to do this afternoon for the traditional Christmas Eve supper at Alison's and Dougie's.
Then home and to bed in the hope that Santa soon will be here! Click on the following link for the North American Air Defense Command "Santa Tracker"
The last pic is my all-time favourite. Grandma loved Christmas dinner and she made a mean turkey with all the trimmings. I always remember her standing in the kitchen door - her kitchen was her fiefdom. She cooked on an old oil stove and the kitchen was always about 100 degrees (as opposed to the rest of the house which was always quite chilly). Grandma Nora (my mom's mom) is in the blue blouse.
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