Friday, November 4, 2011

Fall Day - Winter Morning

What a difference a day makes...

The last two days were truly classic fall (or as close as we get in these here parts) - clear, cool, and very welcome after the rain and wind earlier in the week.  Tuesday was the stereotypical October Juneau day - complete with a number of power outages.

This morning, however, was a horse of a different color - the color being white.  About 3 inches of fresh snow in my driveway. 

I received a call from auntie about a quarter to eight.  She was at Les Schwab along with about half of Juneau waiting to get her snow tires put on her aging Buick.  Amazed she got there without a mishap.  The roads were VERY slippery.  I immediately went out to collect her to take her home.  If she's lucky, her car will be done tomorrow.  But I wouldn't count on it and if its remains icy I would just as soon that Les keeps it for a bit.  I had a bit of a slip 'n slide experience getting up her hill this morning even with the Jeep.

After taking auntie home I then shoveled mom's driveway followed by my driveway.  Hmmmmm.  It is possible that a snow blower is in my future.  We'll see.

In other news Amanda has, at least temporarily, relocated to her friend's place downtown.  She is always welcome here, of course; but I do not blame her for making the move.  Her apartment should be ready in the next week or so...

Sunny day at Eaglecrest.  The snow creeps down the mountains.

A beautiful day

 Adam is a serious snowboarder - was an instructor at Mt. Hood

 The next morning...  What the hell happened to fall?

Have a great weekend everyone!

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