Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

A winter storm advisory for tonight. Nothing too dramatic - but maybe 5 inches or so of the white stuff. The skiers will be giddy.

Same old, same old in this neck of the woods. The folks are hanging in there...

Yesterday I observed a truly amazing thing. Dad, mom and I were all sitting in the dining room - CNN was on. Mom baited dad with a comment about how Obama was being blamed for all of the follies that originated in the Bush years. Dad then launched on the pointlessness of the Iraq war.

Mom, who is ALMOST as deaf as dad, replied with a comment on unemployment.

Dad responded with more along the lines that if the Iraqi's wanted to kill themselves, then they should be left alone to do so.

Mom retorted that the CCC was a great response to the unemployment of the Great Depression.

This heated and schizophrenic debate went on for about five minutes. I managed to keep a straight face. Don't think either one of them heard a single word the other said.

Ain't life somethin'?

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