Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rinse and Spit

Just got back from the dentist. A clean bill of oral health - just one tiny little filling I'll get taken care of next week. Didn't even get lectured about flossing. Although the dentist was a tad miffed when I refused to let him do a set of x-rays - my personal contribution to medical care cost containment. I figure at my age every three years is plenty often for an x-ray - particularly when there is no indication of any problem.

It's been blustery and rainy off-and-on the past few days. But it's supposed to clear-off on Thursday and be nice for a few days. Clear usually means cold in February; but not this year - the lows are only supposed to be in the upper 20's with highs in the upper 30's. Hell, it could be zero (and blowing Taku 75 mph)!

I've now attempted to take pictures of the morning raven feeding free-for-all at the folks' on a couple of occasions. No joy. The smart little bastards don't like cameras - whenever I raise it up to take a pic when they're feeding - they skedaddle. I suspect they suspect the camera is a gun or something else unpleasant. It pays to be cautious when you're a raven on the mooch.

No pictures please...

Not much going on otherwise. Been watching some of the Olympics. Almost done with a biography of Woodrow Wilson. Alison gave me a new cookbook for Christmas. Think I'll make smothered pork chops for supper tonight. Exciting, eh?

Finally, another pic from my walk at Auke Bay last Friday. The raven's cousins - the Northwestern Crow. They seemed to be enjoying the sun...

Sunbathing Crows - they seemed to be enjoying themselves

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