Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where Are They Now?

Joan Kasson forwarded the pic below to me last night. Her former roomie, Jasper the Wonderdog, has completed his training of Joan's dad.

On the command of "woof," Joan's dad assumes the position of doggie bed

Joan's dad, of course, operates under the illusion that he has been training Jasper. He told Joan that Jasper can now open and close doors on command. But those of us who are familiar with Jasper's life-long tendency to question authority are skeptical. Regardless of who may be boss, this is a match made in heaven.

In other news, our fantastic spring-like weather continues. Yesterday it was partly sunny, temperature in the low 40's, and very little wind. There's no snow on the ground. The roads were dry! No winter weather is forecast for the foreseeable future...

Picked-up my elder duties yesterday after avoiding their company for a few days while I recovered from a cold. I'm still sniffling a bit; but trust I am no longer contagious. Bet I washed my hands forty times yesterday. Wednesday is bath day which takes a couple of hours from start to finish.

Dad requested chili so I spent most of the afternoon making a big batch. And a couple loaves of zucchini bread. Will do my meals on wheels gig today.

My birdfeeder is visited sporadically by a flock of Chestnut Backed Chickadees. I don't think they're wild about the seed mix...but they peck away at it half-heartedly. I can watch them from inside the house; but they are clearly less than thrilled when I go out on the deck and try to take pictures. Although I do not speak Chickadee their chirping and icy stares are easily understood: "Buzz-off, asshole."

Chickadee gives Elmo the Stink-eye

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