Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good and Hard...

I am not a masochist so I did not watch any election returns last night.  It was clear the news was going to be bad - the only question was how bad?  Well, we now know.  Pretty bad.

It seems that the average Americano, bruised and battered by the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and fearful of the future, has concluded that the political party that threw him under the bus in the first place are just the folks to pick-him up, dust him off and set him on the road to happiness and prosperity. 

Never has H. L. Mencken's famous quote seemed more apt:  "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." 

This morning some commentators are chirping that we should be proud that the American people have rejected some of the more extreme Republican candidates - the wackiest of the tea baggers.  I am not feeling chirpy however.  Why, for example, should I rejoice that Ms. Murkowski is likely to retain her Senate seat in Alaska?  Although Ms. Murkowski is no doubt a far more decent person than the appalling Mr. Miller, I cannot see that there would be a dime's worth of difference between the two in terms of how they would vote on the issues that are important to me.  The fact that Lisa will kiss me before she fucks me provides little comfort.

Well, I'm up early to take my car in for servicing.  New tires for winter too.

Have a nice day.

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