Friday, November 12, 2010

Like Watching Paint Dry

Friday already.  My how time flies...  I've been preoccupied this week with working on my 2011 photo calendar.  I enjoy the job...although it has it's frustrating moments.  Making good progress.

Otherwise it has not been a particularly blogworthy week.  Lots of rain.  Rain PLUS wind this morning and more of the same scheduled for the next few days.  Looks like there is a chance it may cool down after the middle of next week.  Mid-twenties by this time next week.  A chance for a few snow showers.  Bring it on...

I did take time out from my Photoshop duties to tune-in the Alaska U.S. Senate recount on local access cable channel 18.  You can actually watch the Division of Elections count all the write-in ballots.  This is just as exciting as one would think - like watching paint dry. 

The lack of drama involved in the actual ballot counting notwithstanding, the tussle between Lease A. Murkowski and her Palinista rival is quite amusing.  And it's beginning to look like Mr. Miller is going to end up holding the proverbial short-end of the stick.  Over 98% of the write-ins are breaking for Ms. Murkowski.

So...the teabag candidate is plotting an extended legal campaign the first phase of which is to challenge ballots for which there is no plausible basis to challenge. And to assist him in his legal maneuvers some of the best and the brightest of the Republican/Conservative apparatchiks are entering the fray as described in today's Anchorage Daily News.
"You have to feel great about Joe Miller's chances to win this election," declared Floyd Brown, a longtime conservative activist who came to Juneau Thursday as an adviser to Miller on the count.

Brown is well known as the man responsible for the "Willie Horton" television ad that helped derail the Michael Dukakis presidential campaign in 1988.

He's founder of Citizens United, whose Supreme Court case opened the way to unlimited donations from corporations and unions to some political committees, including Alaskans Standing Together, the Alaska Native organization that was so effective in helping Murkowski's write-in bid. Brown, who currently runs a website dedicated to impeaching President Barack Obama, said he's been on the ground in Alaska "since a few days after the election."
And additional lawsuits are planned...

At the end of the day all of this is much about nothing, of course.  From my perspective it will matter little which one of these two bozos gets on the bus for Washington.  They are like two peas in a pod when it comes to all the significant issues - each would gladly bring the country to a standstill in support of the Republican leadership's jihad against Mr. Obama.  They both disgust me.

Have a nice weekend everybody.

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