Friday, November 5, 2010


Well, another rainy day in Juneau...imagine that.  And more to come.  No hint of snow in the forecast for the next week.  It's still early...but it has certainly been warmer than normal.  My sources in PDX suggest that the weather has been quite wonderful the past few days.  Sunny and warm. 

I've been busy catching-up on chores and projects since I returned.  Yesterday I finished downloading all my vacation pics...just a couple you haven't previously seen that are worth a post.

 Hecate Head on the Oregon Coast

 Bridge at Florence, Oregon

View from my Hotel in Ashland, Oregon.  Big Storm Brewing...

As always, many regrets about the pictures I did NOT take (particularly of my Portland friends who were famously camera-shy) as well as disappointment with many pics I DID take.  Still, a couple which may be calendar worthy either as stand-alone shots or part of some sort of montage.

Indeed, I need to get busy on my 2011 calendar as well as my 2010 Christmas cards.  Will start today!

In other news, I've been to the airport quite a bit.  Collected Joan last Saturday returning from a conference and visiting her dad in Boise.

Monday I played cabbie for Alison and Doug and Doug's brother, Stu and his wife M'iva.  Didn't know Stu and M'iva were arriving - but there they were.  I managed to cram everyone and everything into the jeep.   I just saw an email from Alison inviting me to supper tomorrow night so I will get the full African Safari report.  Maybe she will have some cool critter pics that I can share with everyone...

On Wednesday evening I picked-up cousin Sandra who has a book signing today at Hearthside Books - I believe it is a reference book on seaweeds of Alaska.  Perhaps I will wander over and take a couple of pics of the event.

Finally, yesterday I reviewed all the voice mails that had accumulated on my home phone.  I rarely answer it these days - the calls are invariably of the nuisance variety.  Not surprisingly the majority of the messages were political in nature.  Always nice to hear from my ol' buddy Bill Clinton.

But my favourite was the robo-call featuring Pat Boone urging me to vote for Mr. Miller for the U.S. Senate.  It seems that Pat is a tea-bagger kinda guy.  He made his pitch and closed with a touchingly insincere "May god bless you."

Pat Boone - founding member of the Beverly Hills Tea Party

 Runner-up in entertainment value was a near tearful plea from Ma and Pa Miller telling me what a swell guy their son was and how he would set this country right - concluding with more blessings.

The most effective plea (and most disingenuous) of the lot was Lease A. Murkowski doing her "I'm really a closet Democrat" schtick.  Pro-choice, hugely concerned about health care - particularly for kids - cares about the environment, and NOT a crypto-fascist like you-know-who.  I actually did laugh out loud.

Ain't life grand?

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