Friday, April 29, 2011

How Would You Like to Be - Princess for a Day? Not you, sir...

You gotta hand it to the Brits.  They do the "let's play dress-up" gig better than anyone else and nothing provides a better opportunity to pull out the stops than a royal wedding.  By the time I went to bed last night the television was awash in prenuptial events of one sort or another.  Kinda like the pregame shows on Super Sunday.  Truly a spectacle.

I went to bed and read a book.  The royal thing is just not my gig...although there was a time when I did like to play dress-up.

 Princess Elmo

Cousin Jan and I try out the Landed Gentry look

 Hmmm....I was going to make a big deal about this...thought it would be really funny...but I've already lost interest.  Oh well...

In other news I've been beavering away at spring clean-up the past couple of days.  I power washed mom's trailer which turned out to be more of a chore than I thought - I spent a good part of two days at the task.  Lots of green slime on the north side of the place.  Yet another joy of living in a rain forest. 

Also did some more birding out North Douglas; but the tide was too high for waders or ducks and it was pretty much a bust.  

And I washed my car...a job that I really dislike for some reason or another.  Still once a year whether it needs it or not...

Well, it's cloudy this morning with a few sprinkles.  I was going to clean out the flowerbeds at auntie's; but I think I'll wait for a little warmer weather.  Guess I'll go for a good long workout.

Have a great weekend everybody!

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