Sunday, February 5, 2012

Seafood - It's What's for Dinner

Saturday dawned clear and cool - right around freezing; but by noon it was near 40 degrees.  Enough to cause one to have thoughts of spring...

As I pulled onto the Old Glacier Highway I noticed three otters frolicking on the ice on Twin Lakes.  Zipped back to the house for my camera.  The frolicking was still underway upon my return.

Otters are a very curious lot - and these guys had lots of people and doggies to keep an eye on...

 They were enjoying a seafood buffet
It's nice of fish and game to stock the lakes with fish for these guys...although I guess that's not really the purpose...

I had previously noticed a couple of varmint slides in my yard; but had assumed they had been made by martin or ermine.  Perhaps not...  I suspect these guys shelter on the hillside by my place and then mosey down to the lake for vittles.  It's possible that they use the culverts under the highway as an otter expressway.

A very nice way to start my day...

After a good long workout and running a few errands for the elders I joined Alison for a late afternoon walk on the dike trail.  The good weather had certainly not gone unoticed - the parking lot was full.  Not much in the way of bird action other than eagles and a few resident ducks and geese - but god what a beautiful day.

  A beautiful moon to the east...

And a pretty fair sunset to the west.

Happy Super Sunday everyone!

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