Monday, April 9, 2012

Dawg Daze

Another week gone by...time flies.  It's been just lovely.  Temperatures have been in the low to mid fifties.  Pretty toasty for Juneau in early April.  I have blueberry bushes blooming in the front yard. 

Speaking of which...I am now three-quarters done in my spring yard rake.  Should nail it tomorrow.  And then I am going to build some boxes for raised beds.  My undertaking of this project would no doubt be amusing for an observer and will likely take me three times as long as it would any normal human being.  I am not handy with tools.  But fortunately this job calls for little more than a hammer which is my tool of choice - after a pick or shovel, of course.

I love having my house full.  Joan and Enrique are wonderful company.  But their four-legged pals have been the stars of the show this week.  Joan and I took the hounds to the beach on Saturday.

Nikki the Dog

Princess Maddy

A girl and her dog

Yesterday we hosted Easter supper.  Mom, auntie and cousin Sandra.  Joan and I did some serious cooking over a couple of days - about the most enjoyable cooking experience I can recall in a long while.  And the food was excellent - the elders were very impressed and left well fed.  Enrique did an outstanding job keeping the guests amused.

Mom discovers the Ipad...

Sibling rivalry never ends...

The conversation with the photo above went something like this:

Auntie:  I think it's time for me to hold the dog.

Mom:  I'm not sure the dog wants you to hold her...

In other news,  we've had a raven with a broken wing in the yard the past couple of days.  I called the raptor center today and they told me how to catch the poor bastard.  My neighbor and I attempted a raven round-up; but the guy was too spry for us.  And now he (or she) is hiding in the woods below the house.  Stay tuned...

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