Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Best Bird Day this Spring

Still mighty chilly.  Think the high at the airport was around 44 degrees today.  Ugh.

But that did not stop Alison and I from legging-it-out North Douglas to Fish Creek where we saw a number of our feathered friends including a couple I had not previously recognized.

I THINK this is an American Golden-Plover

Sure about these guys - a Whimbrel and Ruddy Turnstones

There were at least three breeding pair of Red-breasted Sapsuckers

We thought this was a Fox Sparrow...

...but my photo has convinced me we've got a Hermit Thrush

Maddy accompanied us on the walk and she continues to discover her inner dog.  She's becoming quite the walking trouper.

Later gang!

1 comment:

Eric said...

Great pics! More and more birds starting to make their presence known at the Dredge Lake area as well.