Friday, August 28, 2009

Baby and Me

Not a lot to's been pretty gloomy in the ol' burg. I'm on daily cat feeding and soiled cat litter removal duty at Aunt Emilie's. Her cat, Baby, and I have a very tenuous relationship. I'm the wheel man every time Baby has to go to the vet and as a result I am most definitely not on the top of her favourite humans list.

The first day after auntie left I cruised into the house and turned on the TV for a few minutes. Figured I'd give Baby some quality time. She came out of the bedroom, arched her back, gave me dirty look, and beat a hasty retreat. Haven't seen her the last two days although the cat food is being eaten and subsequently deposited in the kitty litter box. Cats...go figure...

I finally remembered to ask Leah to send me a couple of her summer pics. The bubble feeding whale shots are quite cool. She's got a good camera eye.

Bubble feeding whales and seagulls on the mooch. Or as Leah puts it "hot whale-on-whale action!"

Hmmm. Not even sure whee this is...but a nice shot.

Have a great weekend everybody!

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