Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Sad Day

It's certainly not unexpected - but I'm sad that Senator Edward Kennedy did not live to see passage of a comprehensive health care reform bill. Despite his otherwise not inconsiderable personal shortcomings - he remained true to his health care vision 'til the end.

One can only hope that the Democrats recognize that they must either hang-together on health care the next couple of months or they most certainly will hang separately. I choose to be cautiously optimistic on this score - although I'm not sure why...

In other news, took Auntie and Cousin Sandra to the airport yesterday morning. Got an email from cuz last evening - they made it to Victoria OK and Emilie snoozed during much of the flight. Not sure if she had been to bed the night before... Sandra said she was contentedly munching fresh produce last evening. And no doubt auntie will stay-up all night after napping all day...

A retiree moment: I had been assuming that this weekend was Labor Day Weekend until Leah disabused me of this notion. Her pal Chris won't arrive in Juneau until the middle of NEXT week. Leah and I are going to the Island Pub for supper tonight and will sort-out all the logistics. I leave for Portland on the 7th and they don't fly down until the 8th.

Otherwise not much to report. The weather is not good - but I made a solemn promise not to bitch about it until after I return from vacation in tribute to what was, after all, a quite fine summer in this burg.

And speaking of Bergs - saw Marla in the produce section of Fred Meyer's a couple of days ago. Her folks are in town from Minnesota and she and John are headed to Ireland in the next few days to watch their son, Sam, play soccer. Excellent!

Well, running late this morning (spent a lot of time reading the tributes to Teddy) and will now sortie to the elders and the Club. Maybe some baking this afternoon and then rendezvous with Leah this evening.


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