Monday, May 23, 2011

Big Fat Sleeper Cats

Ah...almost another week since I posted.  It's not that I haven't been busy (I have) but just not all that much blogworthy on the personal front.

I have been cat sitting for John and Shelly the past week.  Actually, it's been a part-time job; Shelly's sister Terri checks-in with them in the evening and I've been there in mid-morning.  Works good.  I boot their lazy fat cat asses out in the morning and Terri lets them in at night.  These are BIG fat sleeper cats.  I am not a cat fancier by any means but as far as the species goes these two are quite congenial.  They are named (I think) Calvin and Hobbs or maybe it's Hiram and Walker - or something like that.  Calvin purrs like no cat I've ever known - kinda a Husqvarna sort of sound as opposed to a kitty sound.  They both like to be petted.

Purrs like a chainsaw

Eats like a longshoreman

Terri will be joining the rest of the family in Denver later this week for John's and Shelly's daughter's high school graduation.  Congratulations Genoa!  The kitties and I will manage just fine...

The second half of last week was reasonably nice weather-wise.  Got a lot of gardening done.  Mom's and Auntie's yards are in reasonably good shape at the moment. 

The weather went to hell in a handbasket this weekend, however, and it's still pretty drippy.  Shit!  This is supposed to be our DRY season - the period of time that makes living here almost worthwhile.  But what can you do? the absence of local get my observations about other stuff....

I'll make this one brief.  No, we sinners were not left to face an earth wracked by pestilence, earthquakes, and other hideous stuff (at least no more than usual); and no the blessed were not beamed-up to heaven by the Scottie in the Sky as predicted.  I will not dwell on those who actually believed this...I do not think it right to make fun of the mentally deficient. 

However I will cast aspersions on those clerics - a particularly unctuous Baptist Mullah from Texas who fouled CNN off-and-on all weekend comes to mind - who pooh-poohed the failed prophet for predicting the exact time of the rapture - but then proceeded to assure one and all that this silliness was indeed true, i.e., Scottie WOULD beam the holy to heaven at some future unspecified date.  My assumption being:  Prophet A has taken his profit up-front while Prophet B still has a sizable mortgage that requires longer-term financing...

Finally, an explanation for how shopping carts from Fred Meyers, Walmart, and Safeway manage to find their way to almost every neighborhood in town.  RAVENS!

 Devious bastards...
Later gang!

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