Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hit the Beach

The Sandy Beach Crew! (Click on pics for a larger view).

Last Saturday we had a traditional Sandy Beach party for our Portland guests - a keg of beer, hotdogs, hamburgers, and such. A number of old high school chums showed-up and a good time was had by all.

It has always amazed me that in Juneau, a burg of 30,000 souls, it is possible to go for years without seeing another person. Indeed, there are friends and acquaintances who, like me, have lived in Juneau their entire lives; and yet I have not seen them since graduation day.

This is largely due, no doubt, to my widely acknowledged capacity to be oblivious to my surroundings. And it is possible that the "see you later/not if I see you first" dynamic is also in play - when folks see me coming they run in the other direction. Or perhaps some of these people live under the docks and only come out at night

Regardless, it is always a pleasure when one comes across an old friend one has not seen for a good long time. And Saturday provided several of these opportunities.

Bern Savikko and Jim

Take Bern, for example. Bet I haven't seen him more than a half-dozen times in over 30-years. He would be a good candidate for the "see you later/not if I see you first" category. In our freshmen and sophomore years at JDHS, Bern, Jim, and I were in the same math classes. Jim was good at math. Bern was excellent at math. Elmer - not so much.

It is possible that from time-to-time I took advantage of Bern's expertise in the math homework department. In fact it is possible that wholesale cribbing went on...all in one direction, of course

I note for the record that the end result of all of this was entirely predictable. While copying someone else's homework does provide immediate gratification by freeing-up time that can productively be used for other pursuits (like smoking pot); it has the definite drawback of resulting in one's failure to actually learn the subject matter. Bern got "A's" in math...and I got gentlemen "C's" and (gulp) the one "D" I ever received before or since.

Bern was very easy going 35 years ago and it is apparent he remains a good egg. I hope to see him and his delightful wife more often.

Jim Larson and Soc Kruezenstein

Bet I haven't seen Soc more than twice since high school. And yet he, like me, has thirty years of State service - all in Juneau, I believe. I recall Soc best from several high school trips and I have several slides somewhere I need to scan to prove it. One of the most fun high school events I participated in was a week-long biology class trip to Glacier Bay. I recall Eric as a participant too.

I believe Soc could have retired last fall; but has remained at his post in DOT. He is the Supremo on the Switzer Creek interchange project and I got the distinct impression it has been a challenge indeed. I admire your dedication Soc; but remember - it's a job - not a suicide pact!

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