Sunday, May 10, 2009

Home is Where the Unpaid Bills Are...

Well, I'm home...can't say that I'm glad to be here...but there are bills to pay...and the next escape to plan...

Yesterday was fairly brutal. Got up about 5:00 AM to enjoy the arrival in Vancouver harbor. It was a nice morning with a great sunrise behind the city; but unfortunately my camera battery was dead as a doornail so I will be unable to share the experience with you. That's what happens to batteries when you fail to charge them...

The disembarkation thrash is actually quite efficient but nonetheless involves much waiting around. Then Canadian customs. A ride to the Vancouver airport and then check-in, clear United States Customs and Immigration, go through airport security and more waiting. A short hop to Seattle and more waiting before boarding the 4 1/2 hour milk run to Juneau. A L O N G flight. The passengers were crabby. The flight crew were crabby. The plane's Auxiliary Power Unit was broken...the plane was about 100 degrees when we boarded in Seattle. It was hot the whole bloody flight. There were lots of restless and vocal rug rats. The guy sitting next to me was very large and had some personal hygiene issues.

Resolved: No more milk runs for Elmo unless I'm in first class and it's the only way to get out in or out of Juneau on a VERY urgent matter. Like sleeping on the deck of the ferry...the Seattle - Ketchikan - Sitka - Juneau flight is something that's fine at one stage of your life; but also something I will now decline even on a double dog dare...

Well, time to go see the elders. Then a work out. It's actually quite nice here today - partly cloudy. The trees are about half-way leafed-out. The snow is gone.

It will take me a few days to process pictures. Stay tuned!

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