Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Panama Canal Pictures Posted

Hey kids! I just added pics of the Panama Canal to my Kodak Gallery site - click on the link on the right of the blog and away you go. There will be one more set of pics posted later in the week...

In local news, it's been gardening madness - the weather has been picture perfect and I've been working outdoors every day. Yesterday was the official end of the thatching season. I celebrated with a decent bottle of pinot noir and a Bullwinkles pizza while enjoying the sunshine on my deck. It's clouded up a bit; but it's still quite nice this morning. I will wander over to the elders and survey the fence that needs to be replaced.

In other news, I see that Terry's neighborhood of Ballard has made the paper a couple of times this week. The first story involves a black bear that has managed to wander through the Magnolia neighborhood, across Ballard and into the Shoreline district without being apprehended by the authorities.

Though police and wildlife agents have glimpsed the bear at different points during their search, the bear dodged his would-be captors. "It was running down the roads, down through backyards," said Department of Fish and Wildlife officer Bruce Richards who tracked the bear overnight. "All of a sudden it would go over a fence."

Gee, imagine that. Guess Washington State Fish and Wildlife guys just don't get much experience with this sort of thing. The citizenry is offering lots of advice - my favourite being the following from a Seattle Times reader:

They must be using the wrong bait ... maybe they should try a pic-a-nic basket. Posted on May 18, 2009 at 8:38 AM by Apple Hat.
Item #2 "Weather Great for Ballard's big Norwegian Constitution Day Parade" screamed the headline in the Times.
Jennifer Roach hasn't a drop of Norwegian blood in her, but on Sunday she donned a wool costume and whirled for an hour in the hot sun to Scandinavian folk tunes played Victrola-like through speakers on a Ballard street corner.
I can't imagine what could be much more fun than twirling in the hot sun in a wool costume - so you can imagine my indignation when I received an email from Ms. Harrigan grousing about the traffic congestion caused by the parade. OOFTA!

Later kids.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Mer! I have my blog up and running.!