Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Dragging my feet this morning. There is a LARGE pile of gravel mixed with dirt sitting in the parking lot - and it needs to be spread in the ruts that have been worn into the driveway. The landlord and neighbor have already made hacks at it the past couple of days and as the third primary user I am feeling morally obligated to lend a hand. Shovel, wheelbarrow and rake work - my forte actually - but for some reason I'm feeling lethargic this morning. And I'm not even hung-over.

It rained like hell yesterday morning; but actually cleared-off in the afternoon and I had a nice walk on the dike trail after a workout at the club. The birdies were uncooperative - must have been tweety siesta time; but I did survey the wildflower situation.

It's truly amazing how quickly the wildflowers shot-up in the recent warm weather. The lupine is already largely bloomed-out and the beach peas, shooting stars, chocolate lilies, silverweed, and other June bloomers are all at or just past their prime. And...ominously... the fireweed is growing taller by the moment. Only five days 'til the solstice. YIKES! Then the 4th of July. And then, as my mom is fond of saying, "It won't be long 'til Christmas." Son-of-a-bitch. The middle of May through the midde of June is the best time of year in Juneau...

I also made chicken soup for the elders yesterday. Will take it over this is going to the hairdresser and I will stay with dad while she's gone - there's plenty of firewood to chop. Dad freaks-out if mom or I are not readily available in case his urostomy pouch starts to leak...

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I'm going to act as tour guide for a couple I met on my cruise - they're on another cruise to Alaska along with their daughter, son-in-law and a couple of kiddos. I was hoping to take them on a hike after the obligatory glacier and city tours; but the weather may not be too good - so we'll see how it goes. If all else fails there's always the Red Dog...

Yesterday morning I got a call from my old friend Jay Hogan. We had a good visit. He's sending "thank you" cards for the messages of condolence he received when his wife, Kay, passed a little over a month ago and he needed my snail-mail address. It's clearly been tough on him as you would imagine. He's trying to sell their house in Tucson and plans to move back to Colorado where he and Kay lived before they moved to Alaska. He has family in Colorado. He told me to give his regards to all our mutual friends. I have added Colorado the "must visit" list.

Leah is hot on the trail of a job with the Eaglecrest zipline. It sounds encouraging - she would drive their van - but the job doesn't start until the 3rd of July. She hasn't been offered the job yet but is clearly optimistic. She will continue with the catering job on a part-time basis in the meantime - she has a gig tonight, in fact.

Boy...this is pretty dull stuff. Nothing amusing in the papers this morning either. Guess I better get to gettin'. At least all the wheelbarrow action is downhill...

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