Thursday, June 11, 2009

Welcome Home Leah

Picked Leah up at the airport yesterday afternoon. We went downtown and met Joan at Zephyr for a good supper. Leah is boarding at Joan's place. Today I expect she is beginning a job hunt - so if anyone has any summer employment opportunity for a smart 25 year old gal don't keep it a secret.

In other news, our nice weather continues... though not quite as nice as last week - yesterday it was in the low 70's and partly cloudy. A few more clouds this morning but still warm enough for me to enjoy morning coffee on the deck. Just like in the REAL world.

Yesterday I mowed auntie's lawn and did some weeding. The ol' gal actually set outside for an hour or so and plucked spent flowers off the annuals. She seemed to enjoy it.

Mom also spends a lot of time wandering around the yard admiring and deadheading her flowers. She's certain her yard is the nicest in the trailer park - which is probably true although that is not setting the bar real high. Now if I could only come-up with something to amuse dad...

Mom did inform me of another chore yesterday. She thinks the place would really look much better if I could spread a couple of cubic yards of new gravel in the back of the place. I told her I couldn't think of ANYTHING I'd rather do...

Well, think I'll have another cup o' Joe on the porch and then mosey over to you-know-where...

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