Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

Yikes!  I haven't posted for over a week.  I'll be damned.  The time just flies.

I've had house guests for just over a week.  Enrique is busy learning his lines for "A Christmas Carol."  He has rehearsals every day accept Monday and has also started working at El Sombrero during the day.  A busy lad. 

His companion, Nikki the Dog, is also busy.  Last evening she was busy for about two hours as I repeatedly flung her chew toy down the hallway.  Yesterday we went for a walk on the beach at Auke Bay Recreation Area.  I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that having a house guest with a dog is probably better than actually having a dog myself - I can take the hound for a walk when I want to - but am under no obligation to go out in the horizontal rain.  Heh Heh. 

Another big day today as daughter Amanda arrives from Portland.  It will be WONDERFUL to have her here - and she says she feels the same.  (Hold that thought, 'Manda.)  I know she has applied for a number of positions with the school district and other agencies.  No joy yet; but I am confident she will be gainfully employed very quickly.

And on Saturday my buddy, Adam, arrives for a visit.  An outsider might conclude I am running a youth hostel; but the way I look at it is that the yin of youth at home is a very welcome balance to the yang of my typical day spent among the elders.  Balance is good.

In other news, there were a couple of interesting columns in the Washington Post today.  The first, by Katrina vanden Heuvel, titled  The Republicans' war on science and reason  describes what many of us have recognized for a good long while - that facts and reason are no longer relevant in the minds of the lead dogs of the Republican right. 

Coincidentally (or not), Eugene Robinson's column on the latest global warming study is interesting insofar as the lead researcher on the project was formally regarded by "skeptics" as one of them.

Well, time to head to the elders for coffee.  Then a workout.  Then pick-up Amanda.  Yippee!

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