Friday, November 27, 2009


Woke-up on Thanksgiving morning with a sore throat and a fever. By the end of the day it had morphed into a good ol' fashioned cold. Don't think I've had a cold in over a year - another good thing about retirement and the avoidance of those virus-laden workplaces...

In any event, my bug has put me into self-imposed exile - can't expose the elders to these things. Thus, I missed the family turkey extravaganza although I did send a carrot and sweet potato puree and a chocolate peanut butter pie over via cousin Sandra. Just as I was cooking-up my holiday bacon and eggs a big plate of turkey and all the trimmings was delivered to my door by Andrew and Samantha - my landlord's kids. Delicious.

I still feel crappy this morning - seriously into sniffling and snuffling. But I'm sure I'll be fit as a fiddle in a day or two.

In other news, Sarah Palin did not disavow the possibility of a run for President in 2012 in an interview on Fox. In fact, she coyly mentioned a dream ticket of herself and Glenn Beck. Where can I send a check to support the undertaking of this most excellent adventure?

In a similar vein and further circumstantial evidence that some of our Thanksgiving turkeys may have been spiked with some sort of powerful hallucinogen, Lou Dobbs continued to promote himself as a candidate for President in 2012. Indeed according to Politico, his interview on the Hispanic Network Telemundo was truly surreal.

“I want to engage in a meaningful and constructive dialogue and work with those who will work toward real solutions,” said Dobbs, who once falsely accused illegal immigrants of carrying leprosy into the United States.

Later in the interview, Dobbs made an impassioned plea to the Hispanic community, urging them to reconsider their previous views on him.

“Whatever you have thought of me in the past,” he said, “I can tell you right now that I am one of your greatest friends, and I mean for us to work together.”

One hardly knows where to begin giving thanks for our blessings in the year 2009. Ain't America great?!!!

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