Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Quart Low

Well, life goes on...albeit at a very S L O W pace. Not much going on at the elders. Everything is very can pretty much set your watch by the various activities. Dad is doing OK...his weight was down a pound this morning...which is a good thing although he's still retaining lots of fluid.

Mom is doing well at the hospital. They gave her a transfusion yesterday...she was a tad anemic...but that was no surprise since she was a bit on the low side when she went into the hospital. The physical therapist had her walking yesterday and that caused a considerable amount of what the nurse calls "discomfort" and what you and I would call pain. But that's what painkillers are for... Mom wants to come home - and that's a good sign. Perhaps tomorrow or Tuesday.

I'm headed to the store. Gotta get ice cream. Dad clipped a coupon this morning for me and was positively giddy that we would save a couple of bucks. Think I'll buy stuff to make cookies and applesauce - something to keep busy. I can't stand just to sit on the couch...

A real snoozer of a Halloween. Three kids came to the door. The folks' place isn't much for trick-or-treating. No streetlights and no sidewalks. And it was raining. We had a little snow yesterday morning (didn't stick); but this morning it looks like the snow level is around 1500 feet.


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