Thursday, August 13, 2015

This and That

Just posted a couple of rants on Senator Murkowski's most recent Facebook contribution.  The Senator alleges that Obamacare is broken, doesn't work in Alaska, and needs to be fixed.

I suggested to her  that the Republican Party in Alaska is broken.  And damn!  I forgot to ask her what her "fix" might look like...

But to be honest I'm pretty sure Republicans in the U. S. Senate don't have a clue what "fix" they could propose without antagonizing a large segment of the party's political base.

What this and other recent Facebook posts really mean is that Senator Murkowski remains concerned about a possible Republican Primary challenge from her right flank.  Giving love to the tens of thousands of Democrats who voted for her last time around will have to wait for the general election (if she needs their support at all).  Senator Murkowski has moved on...

On the national level...what can you say?  Doug sent me a link to an article in 'Rolling Stone' which pretty much sums up my feelings.  It's a well written and humorous article:

Apparently the Donald is hiring actual real live staff in the early primary states.  Boots on the ground.  WhooHoo!

Mowed auntie's yard today.  It needs some fertilizer which I will administer tomorrow. Took auntie out to mom's today so she could have a bath.  Mom and auntie will play rummy cube all afternoon.  I will collect her at 7 PM and haul her home.  If both dogs from my household are not present to ride home with her she will be very disappointed.  The doggies love auntie.

A couple of pics I posted on Facebook but not here.  They have a longer shelf-life here than on Facebook.  And  I know where I can find 'em.

The still unidentified flying purple people eaters...

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