Saturday, August 22, 2015


Well they're not yet in FULL bloom; but I am going to declare victory anyway.  My gladioli are quite nice.  And they will get nicer - weather permitting.  We had a pretty decent southeasterly last night and it rained some; but my web of yarn has, so far, kept them upright.

In other news, I confess I was made very uncomfortable yesterday when I stumbled across The Donald's stadium extravaganza somewhere in Alabama.  Apparently about 20,000 true believers were present.

His stream-of-consciousness vocalizations (I don't think you can really call it a speech) were complete gibberish.  Rants and raves.  Down with the stupid and weak politicians who have betrayed you.  We will expel the foreigners in our midst.  I will make the country great again.  I will "bring back" jobs from Mexico, China, and Japan.   All these pronouncements made with great certainty and absolutely no suggestion on how it will be accomplished.  By sheer force of will, apparently.

And occasionally he would put his arms out and encourage his supporters to roar their approval - something I suspect supporters at future rallies will do without prompting.

I do not believe that The Donald will win the Republican nomination much less gain the Presidency.  But I do fear that his "success" thus far will embolden other Republicans in this and future campaigns to further cheapen and debase our political process.

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