Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Primary Colors

Well, the primary election is over and the results suggest Alaska remains as much a "red state" as ever. Uncle Ted has about 67% of the vote over his primary rival Dave Cuddy and Don Young holds a very narrow lead over his challenger Lt. Governor Sean Parnell. I see nothing in the results of the state legislative races that even hints at a sea change in the State Capitol either. Many more Alaskans chose the Republican as opposed to the Democratic ballot. I didn't happen to notice the voter turnout; so perhaps things aren't as grim as the results suggest. But I wouldn't count on it.

If there is a silver lining here somewhere - it has to be that both Steven's and Young's ongoing legal difficulties give their Democratic challengers a chance in November. I understand the polls show Begich leading Stevens by about 15 points. We'll see...

I took the elders to vote yesterday which went fine other than the predictable confusion over which ballot to select. Dad is very hard of hearing and the poll worker was very soft spoken.

Poll Worker: "Do you want a Republican or Democratic ballot?"

Dad: Huh?

Poll Worker: "Do you want a Republican or Democratic ballot?"

Dad: "I'm independent."

Poll Worker: "Do you want the ballot with the Republican or Democratic candidates?"

Dad: Huh?

Poll Worker: "Do you want the ballot with the Republican or Democratic candidates?"

At this point I intervened and dad finally took the Democratic ballot....

In other news, it cleared-up last evening and we had a frost advisory...although I don't think the frost materialized. It's foggy this morning and supposed to be sunny this afternoon so I'll go mow Auntie's yard and the elder's lawn. Might even have time for a round of golf.

I got a thank you card from my cousin Carol along with a couple of pictures of the cattle round-up at their ranch. I think the cattle are basically a hobby at this point. The cousins manage the round-up without any hired hands these days. It sure looks like fun. I'm going to mosey on down their way next winter before the Juneau Golf Club tournanment in Casa Grande. I wanna ride a horse!

Horse cam.

Cousins at the ol' water hole.

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