Thursday, September 2, 2010

Comfort Care

Well, poor ol' dad is not doing well.  He has a serious infection in his leg.  The recommended treatment for an otherwise healthy person would be to go back to surgery and replace the hardware in his hip while administering massive doses of antibiotics over the course of the next six months or so.  That is not a viable option in dad's case. 

I met with both the internist and the infection control docs yesterday and consulted with mom and Linda in Juneau. I have attempted to explain the situation to dad on several occasions the past couple of days.  He certainly understands that he is getting sicker; but I do not believe he grasps the particulars.  He is no longer coherent - although he does recognize me from time-to-time.

The upshot of all of this is that we are no longer on a course for Juneau.  Rather, dad will be kept as comfortable as possible and nature will take its course.  There is no way to know how much longer he will be with us - but the docs assume it is a matter of days not weeks.

This is certainly not the outcome for which we had all hoped.  On the other hand, it is NOT the worst outcome on a list of very unsatisfactory alternatives.  Dad is receiving excellent care here at St. Elias - I cannot say enough about how wonderful the staff have been.

Alison is in Anchorage today on business and we'll get together this evening before she heads back to Juneau.

And, the best news I've heard for weeks, Leah and Amanda got to Anchorage last night.  Their dad picked them up at the airport and they're spending a few days with him in Wasilla.  Bet he will take 'em fishing.  And I'm sure they will take-in the Alaska State Fair. 

I will see them this weekend - they will be heading home to Portland on Monday.  I haven't seen Leah in almost a year and I am anxious to hear of Amanda's current plans - she just finished her latest tour of duty at the Painted Turtle in California and it sounds like she plans to make Portland home once again.

Looking out the window here at St. Elias it is apparent that fall is in the air.  The leaves are turning.  It is September...

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