Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Adieu to Jasper the Wonderdog

Dawn patrol. I was camped outside of Alaska Airlines Cargo at 6:00 AM this morning to hand-over Jasper the Wonderdog to their care for his flight to Seattle and Boise. Jasper has a new home with Joan's dad in Nampa, Idaho - said home coming equipped with a big yard and resident squirrels. Sounds like a doggy retirement resort... Joan is visiting her dad and will collect the hound at the Boise airport this afternoon.

After the hound drill I legged-it over to the folks. Dad was bleeding into his urostomy pouch again yesterday and I fully anticipated a grueling day at the hospital. But...amazingly enough...the bleeding stopped last night and he is resting comfortably. So...here it is not yet 8 AM and I feel like I've already put in a days work.

It's hard slogging on the vacation pics. I've got a ton of golf pictures that consist of folks being given various awards. The lighting was not very good so they require lots of work and the subjects all sport wild sun burns that make them look lobster-like. It's tedious work; but I will persevere.

And after some photo work think I'll go have a workout and a steam. Maybe a nap this afternoon...my four-legged bed partner last night was kinda restless and I didn't sleep too well.

It's clear as a bell again today but supposed to blow Taku downtown - gusts to 70 mph. Not fun...but much easier to tolerate when the temperature is 45 degrees as opposed to zero.

Oh...just heard Jasper's flight depart and it sounds like it was a little bumpy on climb-out. I'm listening to the aircraft radio and the pilot just reported continuous light chop from take-off through niner thousand. Sorry Jasper! Just think of those squirrels waiting for you buddy!

Later gang.

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