Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gettin' a Little Chilly

Brrrrrr. Took the jeep in for service at the crack o' dawn this morning. It was 33 degrees. The rain was mixed with snow. It was dark. I turned the heat up when I got home. Took my sweater off then put it back on. On November 1st we go off daylight savings time which means it will be getting dark shortly after 4 PM. Shit...

On the other hand, I will be moving to the folks tomorrow for some period of time...and it is unlikely I will be cold there. The wood stove will be going full tilt. I'll be taking mom to the hospital tomorrow morning at 6 AM. She's scheduled for a knee replacement at 8 AM.

I hope to be able to spend part of the day here at my digs and get my customary workout every day...but it's not yet clear how this will all play out. Fortunately, dad seems to be reasonably chipper at the moment. My sister, Linda, and I will be dividing chores although there are some dad duties that she doesn't feel comfortable performing. Can't say that I blame her...

Spent about three hours yesterday at the folks' raking leaves, clearing the gutters and sweeping the driveway. Second time in about two weeks; and more leaves accumulated last night. The folks think leaf sweeping is important and I certainly don't mind the exercise. But it's kinda humorous when you look around their neighborhood; a lot of folks won't even pick up the garbage that the ravens/bears get into - much less rake leaves. But then again most of the folks in the neighborhood don't have yards...

On the other hand, the immediate neighbors are very nice and are always very solicitous of the elders.

I may be a little spotty on posting for awhile...

Later gang.

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