Saturday, June 5, 2010


It's the Itchy and Scratchy show this morning.  I got a number of bug bites yesterday when Eric and I hiked up the Herbert Glacier trail.  Quite fun.  Very buggy.  Eric got bit on the forehead by something that his body doesn't much care for - he swelled-up real good. 

Eric's two black labs, Coal and Sadie, had a great time.  They are very much in the mold of the pets I have owned.  They have passive resistance down real good.  They always come when they're called - as soon as they've finished doing whatever it is that they're doing.  Nice hounds.

Lots of bear sign on the trail; but fortunately no bears.  

Coal and Sadie doing the Labrador thing in one of the mosquito incubators

Eric and Coal in front of Herbert Glacier

Retirement week #1

Well, I'm waiting for a cardamon coffee cake to come-out of the oven and then it's off to the elders to be followed by a workout.  Overcast today and it's supposed to rain off-and-on.  Tonight I'm treating Eric, his daughter, Claire, and one of Claire's friends to supper at Zephyr in honor of Eric's retirement.

Dougie and Alison should arrive tomorrow afternoon around 3:30 PM.  Look forward to hearing all the "heartland" adventures....

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