Friday, June 18, 2010

A Low Key Week

A very quiet week.  My doggie boarder has altered my schedule somewhat...I believe I am clocking about two hours a day in the driveway and on the deck...throwing golf balls and Mr. Moosey to keep Finnegan amused. He's a good hound.

It's been cool with rain off-and-on all week.  I did a fair amount of cooking.  Yesterday was lawn maintenance at the auntie's and the folks'. 

The forecast for the weekend is encouraging.  Decreasing clouds tomorrow morning and then partly cloudy for the rest of the weekend.  Not real warm; but a distinct improvement nonetheless.  It's a mite drippy this morning; but if it improves then Eric and I will take a hike up the West Glacier Trail. 

In other news, while at the club yesterday I watched an hour or so of the public flaying of BP's chief executive by a Congressional committee.  And while I am certainly not going to join Rep. Joe Barton in apologizing to Mr. Haywood; I do think the whole hearing was pretty lame.  Mr. Haywood played rope-a-dope while the Congressmen took turns asking him questions of the "Do you still beat your wife?" variety.

Well, Finnegan is giving me the stink-eye - so I reckon I'll get dressed and go throw golf balls for awhile.  Then off to the elders - it's bath day for the ol' coot.  And then (hopefully) a hike.  And an offer to join Alison, Dougie, and Eric for prime rib at the Moose Club this evening.

Sorry for the boring post...but it just hasn't been a very exciting week...

Have a good weekend everyone! 

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