Saturday, July 4, 2015

A Wet June but a Decent June

The official statistics are in the book...June was wetter and warmer than normal here in the rain forest.  About an inch-and-a-half more rain than average.  A couple of REALLY wet days.

From my personal perspective I would definitely put June 2015 on the positive side of the ledger - probably because the garden got such a great jump-start in May.

This past week was pretty wet with wind too.  Blew a couple of planters over on the deck.  The wind woke me up night before last.

But even so...the yard remained mostly intact.  I was sad that the peak of my oldest peony didn't really get to enjoy the sun...but at least the blooms remained more-or-less upright.

A few garden pics...

My eldest and bestest peony survived a fairly serious storm.

Slightly worse for wear but still mighty nice.

And smells real nice too.

This is my mom's yard.  She's got me whupped in the Asiatic lily and phlox departments.  The deer mowed my lilies two years ago and I moved them into the protected dog yard where they aren't getting enough sun.

A beautiful clump of lilies.  Blooming about three weeks earlier than normal...

In other personal news, daughter Leah is in town for a few days.  I haven't seen her yet...she's been helping her sister Amanda at 'Manda's food cart.  But it's dinner tomorrow night downtown so I plan on really going wild...hope to stay up 'til 10 pm. 

I have to rise and shine early tomorrow though to take cousin Sandra to the airport.  Sadly she was sick for most of her stay.  Sandra and auntie did go to the annual Evergreen Avenue block party yesterday.  Auntie was the featured guest in light of her very recent 90th birthday.  Sandra brought a big sheet cake for all to enjoy.  By all accounts auntie enjoyed the festivities.

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

And as my mom is fond of saying on the 4th,  "It won't be long 'til Christmas."  Hah!

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