Sunday, October 11, 2009

Leif Erickson Day

A very amusing article in today's New York Times titled "Every Dog (and Norseman) Has His Day" - a brief history of Presidential Proclamations for various and sundry persons and events. From the proclamation for National Fire Prevention Week: “As powerful as any force in the natural world, fire deserves our utmost attention.” You betcha!

"Even before there was Leif Erikson Day, there was a Leif Erikson, who rode this boat. Or one like it, anyway."

Well, it's been a busy week - and fairly productive, at that. Mom is now scheduled for knee replacement surgery on November 12th - barring any disqualifying condition her primary care doc might discover beforehand. She's ready to rumble. Once one of my elders makes up his or her mind about a matter- that's the ball game - there's no looking back... Let's get on with it!

I'm about half-way done photoshopping vacation pics. Hope to have some stuff posted in the next couple of days. I've been doing a little cooking. Been doing various errands. Hauled and stacked the last cord of wood yesterday morning. Got flu and pneumonia shots. I still need to do the fall clean-up at mom's and auntie's yards - it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow and Tuesday so will check-off those tasks shortly.

Had an excellent supper at Alison's and Doug's place last night - grilled leg o' lamb. Very, very tasty. Cousin Dick and Candy were the guests of honor. We played 'Apples to Apples' a very fun parlor game.



Eric said...

Sorry I missed the dinner. I spent the early part of the evening at Claire's flute recital, which was very good, and the later part of the evening watching the Washington Huskies take care of the Arizona Wildcats. That was particularly enjoyable as my friend Ross (a U of A grad) and a couple of his frat bros were at the game. Ross and I were texting back and fourth during the pivotal 4th quarter when AZ squandered a sure win. You could hear those AZ boys crying all the way up here.

Elmer Lindstrom said...

Too much information. I was with you through the recital. You lost me with the TV and texting.

You passed-up the opportunity for face-time with your local pals to watch a lousy October college football game? Haven't you ever heard of TIVo?

And my daughters can surreptitiously text someone under the table EVEN WHILE LOOKING YOU IN THE EYE AND TALKING TO YOU!!!

Shame. Shame. Shame.