Friday, October 22, 2010

Big Trees

I went hiking in the Redwoods yesterday.  A six mile loop (I took the Clintonia Trail bypass instead of the 11 mile route) through the old growth - Miner's Ridge Loop.  Quite amazing...these trees are BIG.   Unfortunately the weather was just so-so...not very good lighting and I am disappointed in my pics.  It's also hard to get perspective.  They are, after all, just TREES.  And without something to measure them's hard to appreciate their size.  There were not a lot of folks on the trails; but finally I came across two gals who got to be my tree foils.  Here you go!

Big on image for a larger pic.  See the gals at the lower left.

Today I'm going to motor up to Ashland, Oregon to spend the night.  Then probably Corvallis tomorrow and on into PDX on Sunday.  It's partly cloudy this morning but it's supposed to rain most of the weekend.  Sure can't complain though.  The weather has been nearly perfect my whole trip.

Otherwise not much to report travel wise.  Been having fun...although Arcata is certainly not as visitor friendly as the Oregon Coast communities.  It is a college town however.  Humboldt University is just a mile up the road and there is a cool square downtown with all the collegiate eateries and drinkeries around the perimeter.  I had a decent meal there last evening.

Last, and certainly not least HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA AND LEAH - 27 years young today.  I spoke to both of them yesterday and they were having good days.  Amanda has secured an apartment in the Hawthorne District with which she is very enamored and Leah is scheduled for her SECOND employment interview with the Sokol Blosser winery on Monday.  They were both quite pleased with themselves.  BRAVO!

Well, gonna pack-up and hit the road. 

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