Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dad Cheats the Reaper (Again)

Another eventful couple of days... Spent most of the day yesterday waiting for the doc to make rounds at the hospital. Mom and I did a morning shift and I went back after my workout. I finally gave up around 3 PM or so. Was just starting supper when mom called and said the doc had just called and dad was ready to be sprung from the hospital.

We zipped over and the ol' coot was predictably happy to see us. We hustled out the door as fast as we could.

A good part of today was spent getting all the new medications in order, talking to various folks about stuff you should and should not eat or drink when on a blood thinner, getting the home health folks lined-up, and various other medical odds and ends. Whew!

Dad is FINALLY taking more pills than I am... In fact he's got quite a collection going. I bought a weekly pill organizer and put together a weekly regimen.

In other news, with all the excitement I forgot to mention that I am dog sitting for the landlords this week. Me and my pal Finnegan the Yorkshire Terrier. He found a squeaky Moose toy that I think belonged to Jasper. Finnegan has been worrying it to death ever since. I assume that Yorkys were genetically engineered as part of a rodent removal program way back when. I know if I was a rat, I would not like to see this guy coming at me...

Squeaky moose toy

Finnegan waiting for me to throw the squeaky moose toy

Finnegan subdues squeaky moose toy

The squeaky moose toy is being seriously abused even as I type. The squeaky part of the squeaky moose toy is beginning to grate... A radical squeakectomy may be in order...

Later gang...

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