Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?...

And begging the band Chicago's pardon, the definitive answer, in the case of Aunt Emilie is "No" - based on a conversation I had with her yesterday afternoon while I was mowing her lawn.

It seems that Auntie was sitting at her computer writing a note to her daughter, Sandra, and commented in the note that it was about 55 degrees - which seemed cool for so early in the evening. A bit later she noticed that the temperature had risen to over 60 degrees - which caused her some concern since it is customary for the temperature to go down as the evening progresses.

After considerable head-scratching and upon observing that the sun was shining, she was forced to conclude that it was 10 o'clock in the morning and NOT 10 o'clock in the evening as she had assumed. She was completely flummoxed by this fact and the missing 12 hours.

Not being present during the period of time in question, I cannot definitively say what may have happened to the missing 12 hours. However I suspect that she may well have fallen asleep at her desk. After all, this is a person who is known to fall asleep on the toilet with her cat on her lap...


In other elder news, dad is not responding to the increase in his diuretic meds as the doc and we had hoped. He is still retaining lots of fluid. Yesterday, dad finally agreed to an ultrasound of his heart - something the doc had wanted months ago - so we are now waiting for an appointment at the hospital for the procedure. I'm assuming his heart is just getting weaker and weaker...

I had a low-impact weekend. Went to the Dept. of Health and Social Services picnic on Saturday for a bit - road my bike out-and-back to Auke Rec. And Saturday evening had a great supper at Laura Beasons with all the Juneau Golf Club folks working on organizing the fall tournament in Redmond, Oregon.

My good friend Kurt West and wife Christie at Saturday's company picnic. I DO miss the morning Koffee Klatch with Kurt at the office - in fact it is about the ONLY thing I miss from the office.

Dougie and Bill Diebels at the DHSS picnic.

On the political scene I note in the paper this morning that our soon-to-be-former Governor has now raised almost a million bucks for SarahPac - and she is committed to sharing her wit and wisdom with all of us in the coming months with speaking engagements coast-to-coast. I can hardly wait...

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